CR4.0 Conference 2021
Building Construction Landscape Through Big Data Supply Chain, is a virtual event to introduce digital
The construction industry, over the past 10 years, has continued to operate in the same way it has for the past half century. Being heavily reliant on manual labour, mechanical technology, and traditional business models have stagnated productivity.
However, over the same period, the digital progress has transformed the whole industries including construction environment. These are known as Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0).
This conference will deliberate on the latest insight of construction revolution which contemplating on the technological value and automation.
Gathering all construction players on board
Qualifies participants for CCD and CPD by CIDB, MBOT, BEM, LAM, RISM and BQSM
Virtual platform that encourages networking and discussion without physical constraints
Qualifies participants for HRDF claims
Building Construction Landscape Through Big Data Supply Chain
11 November 2021
Maximizing Value through Innovation
17 November 2020
Building Construction Landscape Through Big Data Supply Chain, is a virtual event to introduce digital